Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Fist Step

I read somewhere, “Every great journey is made up of a several thousand small steps”. So simple yet so true, so evident yet so profound. On giving some more thought over it I realised that the most important of them all is the “First Step”. It is the deciding factor between your thoughts and the reality, the thin line between the “there” and the “not there”.

In our everyday life we come across several situations that spark a thousand ideas. Some good, some not so good and some simply brilliant. We decide to do something about those ideas but usually end up doing nothing and the idea remains what it is “just an idea”. This has also happened to me several times and now when I look back I don’t remember any of those ideas. This made me think as what is it exactly that holds us back and makes us hesitant to take that so called “First Step”. The probable reasons that I could think of were
· Lack of confidence: To counter this we really need to believe in our idea only then can we do proper justice to it.
· Lack of time: This is the most common reason we usually come across but on a closer look I see it just as an excuse. (I know you will agree with me on this :)) Time can never really be a constraint if you have the will to do it.
· Lack of that Trigger: This is some particular event that makes you do things “right here, right now”. (But don’t wait for it forever :))

Enough of the “Gyan” now, being an immature writer and this being my first adventure excuse me if I have deviated from the path. Also please excuse me if I am being very much philosophical (This is an inborn talent, can’t really help it :)). So yesterday I decided to write a blog and before the idea faded away in my memories I decided to immortalise it on the information highway. I thank Jimmy for being my “Trigger” behind this. I also thank my readers (I doubt if anybody would have been patient enough to read this far :)) and also appeal them to be with me as I take my “First Step” in my quest for this new found passion.


SunLight said...

great start buddy hope to see many more coming up

Everyday Stories... said...

Long way to go on this information highway :)) gullies bhi hogi.. traffic jam bhi.. bt keep going :D
Rather liked the idea.. :D

Unknown said...

whn started .. now no look back ..

go on man ..

keep blogging ..

fill the table with interesting idea-fruits and topic-ana-juices ..

Mithun said...
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iconoclastic-me said...
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iconoclastic-me said...

hey gr8 maadi... :))

der aaye durust aaye... hehehe

Chhan lihle ahes.. pudhe lihit raha..